What's Your Fav Song on Blackout?

Britney's Birthday

Britney's Birthday
So cute, so perfect

giovedì 15 novembre 2007

Britney Petition

See http://www.thepetitionsite.com/1/please-show-your-support-for-britney for the REAL PETITION

Why I want to support Britney : Britney is living a difficult period of her life , it happens to everyone! And in her situation she needs love and protection... she has helped us with her music, now we need to help her!
What I would tell her if i were to meet her : I wouldn't say anything... I'd just hug her... No words can help her right now ... she just needs love!

Like this???

Grafica personalizzata con effetti glitter

Britney Spears

Britney Spears

Born : December 2, 1981
Debut album : Baby One More Time
Albums : Baby One More Time, Oops!...I did it again , Britney , In the Zone, Greatest Hits: My Prerogative , B In the Mix : the Remixes , Blackout

What I think about her : Britney isn't the princess of pop... She's the QUEEN OF MUSIC! She's great ... I luv her! She's the BEST... :)